
Talkin' To The Moon!!! (2-14-2011)

"Great Song Bruno Mars new Album"
It is an interesting concept but so many people do it and invest hours in doing that exact thing. I do it so much its bright, gorgeous, quiet, and sometimes answers back to you in unusual ways. One I can't believe its Feb and two it is the day before Valentines Day. Crazy how quickly life happens and changes in a sort f blink of an eye, in less then a week I will be leaving for a new gig and an exciting adventure I know it will be. Life has a funny way of giving you road blocks and obstacles that without the tools needed you fall flat and are subjected to the woes of life and growing up. I once thought that if my life was paved and unbroken with no bumps my life would be peachy. But without these bumps or bruises or unpaved highways how could anyone appreciate the best times of life. Most nights I speak to the moon and it gives me what I need to know to keep going in the direction that guides me to where I need to be at that moment in time. I would like to reiterate Life is the Sum Of Choices You Make because they mold you into who you are in that moment in your life. What do you ask when you talk to the moon? what do you say? what are your intentions while your sitting there having a full blown adult conversation with a moon orbiting the Earth. Übermensch (Above human, or Superman) is German and I found it looking for new tattoo's and the meaning behind it, it is crazy that Friedrich Nietzsche was up on the concept the theory that we are capable of much more then we do right now. I enjoy the thought reasoning in this, we are capable of much more then what we do. I believe in this concept wholeheartedly. I spoke with the moon about the new tattoo and it is a part of who I am and who I am becoming. When I speak to the moon I ask what is coming? How do I go forward? what is next for me? All these questions are answered when they need to me. I will be moving to another category of my life soon and I am excited to keep it moving in a great direction a new venture. I cannot wait something new it is super fun to know I will be dancing soon. 
Okay in closing lately I have felt different in many ways and I am so glad to have my present and future looking in a new direction. When I am looking in a looking glass and or a reflection of myself I see the man I am becoming more and more everyday.