
Hurts the Most (2012-07-14)

Hurts The Most

                I know what most people are saying I love that Rascal Flatts song or who the hell is Rascal Flatts? And it would be the mixer of both cause I personally love Rascal Flatts song but it’s not that, it’s a song I heard years ago when I was graduating High School and moving to Orlando. But then it got on my download list that I lost 3 laptops ago because she did her thang at the B.E.T. awards with Brandy and it was Monica in which made me re-listen songs I loved back then and this “After Storm” album track was one of them. I didn’t feel the song this way almost ten yrears ago I thought this would be cool to do a lyrical hipish dance or combo to then, Wow now I am thinking did I just go through this. In fact you look and go did my BFF go through this last year or”is she still fighting that battle?”, or “am I really going through this again?”, “was it worth it?”, “Is this me right now?”
                It for me was all those at once plus some but, Download the song or I will share a link to one of the youtube+lyrics videos at the end. that is what was scary cause I understand and was in it full force. It sounds to me in the song Monica screwed up, waited to long to commit, made a grown lady boo boo, and was getting to finally tell him. I don’t know if Monica felt this way when she was performing or helped with making it. But I was there I was that guy she left or I was that friend that I just heard this situation or remember your god sisters tell you what not to miss out on. I know most my blogs are kind of emotional but it is like my brother and some friends said when I just took some time from dance to visit the family for more then 4 days (I know Seriously) they called a Hopeless Romantic I remember my big brother joking about it with some of our friends at the house during a BBQ. You know I love a good BBQ, either I am cooking and everyone brings drinks and desert or its my MOM doing the same.
 I know I am a hopeless romantic everyone who truly knows me will go oh hell without question he is. I felt bad for the lyrics of the situation in this song. A part of me went damn she had a good one and let it slip because of some insecurities or taking too much time to realize he was it. While the other part was saying “I’m walking away and like Lisa’s character in *Single Ladies* said at the end of Episode 6 of Season 2 “If we never speak again in life, it will be too soon for me” DAMN. Real talk I need some words this time, cause usually I will talk about choices you make and things you can do to maybe learn grow or put some meaning to it. but I know I am interested in some outside thoughts and hey when all these get published I would Love to put some responses in it so go follow me on twitter and F.B @tydanze  look me up on intagram @tylamar follow my blog tylamar.blogspot.com tell a friend I wanna know where the world is now…
Here is the link to Monica's song w/ Lyrics http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpTmvIGXMOY
I Hope to hear from everyone soon and my next will be coming down the pipe soon.

Live, Love & Dance (A little),
Ty 2012
– I See You…-
 *Life is the Sum of Choices you Make*