
You Love Me (2012-04-04)

First of all great song I was going to blog about the entire album because there is so many good tracks on it, Kelly Clarkson’s Stronger album is sick. I mean the title song Stronger, You Love Me, Einstein, The Sun Will Rise, Alone, Hello, You Can’t Win, Breaking Your Own Heart I think all of them are great. I chose this one because I read the title and thought awe a love song or ballad NO, it is empowering and loud and raw. The lyrics are amazing of course I goggled them; it is great to listen to a song like this at this moment. She talks about the parallel of dating someone and how they try to make you seem dumb or less then you are when it’s clear that it’s them. 
She says about the song "Sometimes people get really confused on what the idea of love really means."In the song she goes…

You say, I'm not good enough, I'm not good enough
But what you really mean is,
You're not good enough, you're not good enough
You can't deliver so you turn it around

You didn't let me down, you didn't tear me apart
You just opened my eyes, while breaking my heart
You didn't do it for me I'm not as dumb as you think,
 You just made me cry While claiming that you love me
You love me, you love me
You said you loved me
but that I'm not good enough, i'm not good enough
Amazing I know and if you don’t think so that’s fine I am not the one to judge. My roomie put me up on this song cause I heard it but I was in love with Einstein then he said play this and thousands of plays later both on my laptop and headphones I blogged about it. I love it; it must suck to be with someone that manipulates your love or plays the poor me card to keep you. Let me say this is in no way about me LOL cause most of them are but this one is about the song I fell in love with it and the words and the meaning I got from it. Like the end of the verse trying to make you feel less to make them more or places blame on you when it is actually them. In the chorus she finds the power or the meaning of this awful relationship “You didn’t tear me apart, you just opened my eyes while breaking my heart.” I love that line because most people think in a bad situation that there is no silver lining, light at the end of the tunnel, or purpose in that bad situation and she says exactly what the lesson learned is, You didn’t tear me apart but you did open my eyes while breaking my heart. The best part is the heart can mend and over time and recovery it will be stronger then before that is why I love the phoenix every time it dies it rises stronger than before. In the end of the track she kind of repeats the chorus but she switches it up with this:
You just made me cry While claiming that you love me
You love me, you love me
You said you loved me
But the TRUTH is that your not good enough, your not good enough
Great way to end the song just in case they thought you were damaged by what they said BAM, Got’em your good. I think the song is amazing I will say it again IT, lol no seriously there are men and woman out there who bend the world to their reality so they feel Superior and more while thinking you less. How do you know? I have no idea I am not a therapist but I will say in experience when you start apologizing for being you it’s time to think about the situation you are in. Promises not met, dates forgotten, things over looked for you, but for them it is the end of the world if you miss anything. It’s a sad day when you wake up feeling as if that person doesn’t really care or that your lives aren’t on the same path.  Like she sings “you can’t deliver so you turn it around” it happens I know that to be true, when you’re made to feel like you’re wrong when you know that isn’t the case I know something is off. Love is not all it takes at the end of the day you need some compassion, understanding, compromise, and trust if those things are missing your screwed and you will feel trapped in an emotionless situation. You got to pick your battles and learn that not everything will work that life isn’t going to giving you lemonade all the time sometimes you get lemons it’s what you do with them that defines who you are, and the caliber of person you want to be. I guess in the interest of finishing this thought I will go “No man or woman is worth your tears, but the one who is will never make you make cry sad tears.”  There is ups and downs in relationships but when the bad outweighs the good RUN, just because they say they love you doesn’t mean they aren’t really saying “You’re Not Good Enough”.
Live, Love, dance –I See You…- “Life is The Sum Of Choices You Make”


Get It Right (2012-03-29)

Get it Right
Great song it was on an episode of, shhh don’t tell anyone Glee. I know I have fallen into Gleedom I was watching it with my roomie so I started from the top and it is a good show I will not say great but some of the music is realz good. Any who this was in season 2 and it was an original song and I love it, I goggled the lyrics “SHOCKING”. It is a great little meaning behind it for me it speaks to someone who is trying to make something or things work and all the efforts is making things worse. It can happen to the best of us, thinking the course were taking is right then it hits you how many times will it take to get it right. Doesn’t the world seem kind of hopeless when you keep trying the same things hoping for different results? Well switch up your game plan or throw the game plan out the window and do something crazy. I heard the chorus and I dig it because it is how you feel when things are so bad that there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Here it is and I will explain why this blog came about.
What can you do when your good isn't good enough? When all that you touch tumbles down?
'Cause my best intentions keep making a mess of things I just want to fix it somehow
but how many times will it take? Oh, how many times will it take for me? To get it right”

It is so crazy I know the kids didn’t write this but it is amazing, what can you do when your good isn’t good enough? When all that you touch tumbles down? You look to your friends, family, loved one, books, and music to try and find advice, answers or just some clarity. I think it’s hard when you are in a relationship and you both feel the pull and push of not thinking your best is good enough or that something is missing. It is even more difficult to believe it’s working when the trust border is on red level and the communication that was once there is no longer in service or out of range, you doubt the very reason you’re in the relationship. In life you have those moments that divide your life into the time before it happen, and the time after. I mean the job you took, the house you moved into, the person you started dating, the kid you had. In those moments you make a choice and that choice shapes the next 6 months, years hell even decades. When do you get it right when do think and know you’re doing something right and making it work and not to mention your happy. I have been doing some reading Shocking I know but towards the end it says you have to live 1 of 3 ways Acceptance, Enjoyment, & Enthusiasm. Accept the things you can’t enjoy or be enthusiastic about because you can’t change them, enjoy the things that you can while you can, and be enthusiastic about the life and the things you can change. You’re only human so I cannot fault you for being what you are and vice versa, learn early on that there will be some disappointment, hurt, pain, heartache, and in return know that good will outweigh those painful and at the moment not so bearable moments and if doesn’t RUN and run fast in the other direction. I guess in the end I see the beginning what will it take to get it right? Patience, Acceptance of the other person flaws and all, baggage and issues you never know when you meet the love of your life and you or them is damaged and you can’t get it right. Step back and realize maybe this isn’t good for us or we can work through it either way there has to be some kind of resolution. Because in life you won’t get it right, it won’t be the right time, things won’t work out, but when they do I hope your eyes are open to the joy of living and making it work and getting it right and enjoying those moments that last forever.
So I think finishing this with “Life is the Sum of Choices You Make” is fine and that’s holds just as true for me now as it did years ago…
-I See You…- J Ty 2012