
When It was Me (2013-22-01)

-When It Was Me-

            Talk about a good song, not for me this time but definitely a repeater in my playlists of love and or heartbreak songs. Its is on a good young artist Paula Deanda album it is a secret nugget to me I loved it when it first came out and then it just laid dormant until I heard it on my Pandora and searched my ITunes and found it again and hit repeat. The song for me is “miss your water once the well is bone dry” / “envious of the new girl” type song. I will hit you with some lyrics then get to the reason I can’t sleep tonight. 

–Long brown hair all down her back, so the hell what’s so special about that. She used to model shes done some acting so she weighs a buck 05. And I guess that she’s alright if perfection is what you like.-

            So clearly the jealous comparing side of a break up, I cant say I have ever been the “well look at her new man he aint got nothing on me” type after I am done I am quite done once I shut my light off and not like maybe it will get better type thing but a I wish you the best goodbye forever kind of let go I could care less who or what they doing. But I guess it some occasions it must be hard to see someone you loved or cared about with someone else I personally have and just chalked it up to not my right kind of crazy and I wished her well and him and kept it moving. Life is Short and fleeting and you have to live in the moment you have while you have it. I will give you some more lyrics to soak in.

-I’m not Jealous, no I’m not I just want everything she got. You look at her so amazed I remember way back when you used to look at me that way.                                                                                                             Chorus: Tell me what makes her so much better than me, what makes just everything I could never be, what makes her your every dream and fantasy cause I can remember when It was me.-

            I was like in my bathroom washing my face and it was on Pandora and I tried to rewind it because I thought I heard her wrong so that when I snapshot it and pulled it up and hit repeat. That person in this relationship is so sad and yet so defensive her walls it up but her heart is hurting. I feel her just because this woman isn't just comparing and contrasting she is remembering when he gave her the world as well, its like Misery x3. It is funny because I felt no attachment to this song in my life which is rare in a blog song to not feel the song in a personal way, but then I hear it hundred times and it hits me she messed up. I hear it and I see her breaking his heart and then seeing that he is happy with someone else and she starts the what’s wrong with me thing. I find it a beautiful song and so strong emotionally and how it could relate to the life someone is living right now. If you have to ask someone what makes you special you don’t belong with them. If you have to guess the whole time then its time to move on, if you don’t know if tomorrow they will love you hit the ground running. You determine your Worth, your Love intake etc. So don’t make someone a Priority when you’re just their Option. I started choreographing a lyrical piece to the song that’s what I was getting from it. I see that a lot if not more then most of my entries are about love and relationships and its just because I am a Hopeless Romantic I want what some of these songs sing about and I want to learn from what the rest sing about like the quote says “You listen to the beat when your happy, you hear the lyrics when your sad.” I personally always hear lyrics I love music and where it takes you and I love that I can go there on my journey and include the people who read my blogs thank you so much and keep checking in to see whats in my head at any given moment… Live, Love, Kneel before Zod (sorry that was suppose to be) Dance.
<3 Ty 2013
-I See You…-
*Life is the Sum of Choices you Make*
+Infinite Love Starts in the Heart+


Betta Love Me (2013-15-01)

Betta Love Me (Right)

So I have been on a music kick since 89 but in the last 5-7 years I found I love lyrics so much. Maybe I started listening more or they spoke to me because I felt the song was my situation or I just loved the lyrics weather it was a love song or a break up song or my jam while I am working out or dancing.  This song by Ne-Yo is all but a workout song I can’t work out to this LOL; I think I love this song because very rarely does the guy complain about not being loved enough or needing more. I dig it it’s a real problem in this world and need to be addressed Ha school is now in session. So for me I relate on a personal level I think as a man for me it is not just about sex and how hot she is, it take a lot more to make something work so here is my argument or the basis behind me and this song. 
-All night waiting for you to call, Is there any love left in your heart for me at all?  Though you say you Love me it’s the Love I Fear. If you gonna Love me Better Love right, Not just when you wanna get close to me late at Night.-

I loved it to hear a man sing about what Tamia, Janet, Nicole some of my favorites always sing about, asking for more not in a bad way but in an I Deserve more way. It hit home because it doesn't take much to be in a relationship Honesty, attraction, communication, and the rest either falls into place or falls apart. In versus 2, I had to raise my hand because I felt me saying these lyrics to more than just 1 or 2 women in my day. 

- How can I give you all my love when it’s clear you can’t give me as much, I won’t play these games no more I’m all out of moves. If you wanna trust in my love you’ll never Lose.-

I must say I was a little thrown because in his other track let me love you until you love yourself I was like I dig that I could be that guy then I hear this and I see the difference. In this it’s a woman who just don’t wanna give more of herself and in the other one it was a woman who couldn't give what she don’t have yet. But in my life I have met some amazing humans both women and men with amazing hearts who I love so much, as well as those humans that just made me feel not enough, or finally the ones who just needed love and once they sucked you dry they needed to move on for whatever reason. I have learned more then I would have thought in recent years and in talking to friends and listening to not just friends but people in general it’s so hard now in this time to date or make relationships work. If it isn't Race or Religion its trust or lack of communication or one of the 2 is just a leech or asshole. I will quote the last of my memorable lyrics then finish this thought process out.

 - How can I make you see it Baby, when loving me there aint no Maybe either you do or you don’t either you will or you won’t-

I just have always been a hopeless romantic the stories the books the movies the pictures and sometimes I see the bitterness of the world creep in or the lack of faith show its ugly head. I have to remind myself +Life is the Sum of Choices you Make+ and in saying that I either choose to stay or walk away. At some point you lose faith and you get dark and angry at everyone for a few people hurting you or taking advantage of your heart, I wake up daily and remind myself why I am the way I am. I find comfort in knowing everyone is different and she is out there and maybe not now or in the near future but if someone’s gonna love me they need to be all in or not at all because in settling for  something that isn't what you deserve you lose so much of you.  I challenge myself and anyone to just GO HARD or go home. I love because I love LOVE and Dance is my first Love after that anyone who is open to me I am open to them, and that is for all relationships. So if you’re with someone and you know you deserve better SAY something NOW, and if you’re looking know what you’re looking for and if your Single enjoy knowing that LOVING yourself is enough for now and Save some Money!!!
<3 Ty 2013
-I See You…-
*Life is the Sum of Choices you Make*
+Infinite Love Starts in the Heart+


I Want You (2013-01-01)

I Want You  

Happy New Year I hope everyone had an amazing New Years and that 2013 is starting off in the right direction. I haven’t slept yet because I took inventory of my life I was thinking to do this before new years but I think it is a great start to a new year.
So the song is by Luke James who sings so amazing in this song and I heard the lyrics and I was hooked I will lay out the lines and then spill my first blog of 2013.

Before I met you girl I never knew my heart could dance, listen I was just a broken record of an one night stand. Until you came along, with your beautiful soul You saved me, you saved me, you saved me. And now the funny thing about it, There's no melody without it
I found music when I found you So hear me when I say I WANT YOU.

I’m not writing about a one person at all, I am talking about DANCE.  The lyrics hold true for my first passion my first love Dance. Like he puts I didn’t know I could dance before we met. Dance is a beautiful thing that has saved me on more occasions then I would like to admit. It cracks me up cause I loved this song when I heard it and I thought of what this song meant to me I initially thought of women and how that feeling is but it wasn’t that at all and then it hit me DANCE. There is something about the words that makes me think of my love for my first love and how in the song he goes “and the funny thing about it, there’s no melody without it I found music when I found you.” Because for me that sentence is dance for me, I looked and realized I left home 10 years ago this year to travel and quote unquote “Make It”. I was looking back reflecting as most do before and right after a new year and we have been together now 24 years and it has been an amazing experience. I could not have asked to meet better people or dance on such beautiful stages and see so much of this world before 30, I am overjoyed and truly blessed and if tomorrow didn’t come I would lived more than a full life.

I guess it is kind of sad to write this because I have so debated and so tried to find a better way to say it but I have wanted Dance for over 6 months now and that distance has made me distant and detached and until recently I wasn’t ok with it I fought it. But 30 is creeping up and I know now I need a break so I am legally separating from performing at least till my birthday. I need this I think it is choices I need to make things in my life seem more clear and it’s been foggy too damn long. Life is the Sum of Choices you Make and I told myself in 1999 when I got my first professional gig if the day comes when I don’t absolutely love it I will step away from it and TODAY is it. I have wanted to feel that love, passion, and comfort for a while and I just haven’t maybe it will come back soon but until then I am switching up my gears and I don’t know what 2013 holds for me but I know now I have a direction and a goal and Happiness is in top 3.

So I leave you world with this “Infinite Love starts in the Heart” but along the way has things in your way and you have to learn to adapt. “Life is the Sum of Choices you Make” so don’t have regrets and live as if tomorrow won’t come. 2013 I hope brings everyone the Clarity, Calmness, Love, Passion, Hope and anything you think you want to happen. In the absence of light Darkness rules until you wake up and see the light at the end of the Tunnel this is my light for NOW…

Live, Love, Dance
-I See You…-
*Life is the Sum of Choices you Make*
+Infinite Love Starts in the Heart+  
Ty 2013