~Solitary trees, if they grow at all, grow
- Winston Churchill
Solitude is directly defined as loneliness. Superman has his Fortress
of Solitude in the Artic it is his alone time to think about the ways of the
world how cool. Some people cant grow alone they need the constant approval and
adoration of friends and family or that special someone. I dig it I understand
it I applaud it I envy it, because who doesn’t want someone on their side
someone dedicated to their cause down for them all the way. And don’t get me
wrong those people do help you grow but when does growth become programmed
memory or their agenda, you cease to live you life at that point and turn into
their version of you to make them happy “When did I become a puppet in my own
life?” that’s when shit gets real or it stays the same for quite a while. What
do you do when you feel like solitude is all you have, is it hard to open up to
someone new or something new? Maybe its something familiar that has changed
slightly. I feel like I need solitary confinement but instead opted for the
party bus LOL. You know it is okay when you make a decision without anyone else’s
input or the input you got is all you needed to move forward with a unusual
plan that no one understands but, it seems okay to you. It may end in fire and
brimstone but for now its flowers and candy hahaha sorry I had a flashback.
Back on track is solitude good? I don’t know about you guys but I wanted to
check myself into a home early last year cause I thought I was losing it and I
thought wait free room and board free pills and free food I am in (I’m serious).Then
they said if you check yourself in your cant check yourself out after 30 days a
family member needed to. So that idea quickly went to hell in a hand basket.
But is solitary really good? I believe it is not all the time but in those
moments in life when your friends or family may not be the best help or the
situation your in is too unique to try and explain. Close the doors put the
phone on silent and just play some music that’s my ritual or hell go on a
cruise ship and don’t check your email or face book but every 10 or so days
both are awesome. Or for that matter combine them go on a cruise ship close
your door and play some music and not answer your phone or emails or anything
but when you want to. I feel like superman had his fortress of solitude because
he was different then the rest Batman had his bat cave but he also had a butler
and housed tons of lil minions I.e. robin, batgirl, nightwing. Any who I think
every person needs that place that no one else can move or invade whenever they
wanted I have those places and no one can move those places or move in on that
territory and that’s what I love about my fortress of solitude its built Ford
tough. So basically I just wanted to write about solitary and to finish my
thought process just say Solitude is needed in doses but if alone too long you
let life pass you by. So trust me enjoy your me time but also enjoy those times
with friends because life is about the connections you make in this life…