
I See You.. Don't Hold Back ( 3-14-2011)

So I hope in reading this one you have read or will read the Prequel to this 1 that I wrote in June of last year. So much has happen so much has changed so much is not what is was when I wrote that Blog. Well for 1 thing I am a little older, wiser, smarter, dumber, patient, focused and less stressed and for me that is amazing on top of all that a lot has changed. I am leaving in a couple day for a 7 month contract  over in the Baltic and I found myself last week sad and not just sad down. I started to think what is going on life is happening your no longer stagnant or miserable or unhappy what is it DAMN. And it hit me I am moving at a pace I wanted but didn't expect i was overwhelmed about what was happening and underwhelmed  about what previously was happening in my world. Why couldn't I just be Whelmed. I missed normality or my version of normality house, constant friends you see, grocery stores, traffic, just things 3 years ago was foreign to me became routine and a part of life as i knew it and now it was gone. I lost some people life happens that way and all I can do is keep it moving in the direction that I think is best for my life right now in this moment, And this is it what I am doing right now 8 hours of dance with a bunch of great personalities that I am trying to SEE and that is the beauty of life. We are all so different in such amazing ways that truly seeing them is a great journey I am on in that journey finding new things about me that I am so excited about. As sure as the wind blows I say "Life is the Sum of Choices You Make." I believe that i have lived by this quote for soo many years now its not even funny.
I had some Amazing people rise to my corner not in no particular order; Colette,Shelby, Carrie, Amanda P, Bobbie, Dee(Tia), Junebug, Steve, Jason, Slim, Sara Lenn, Chad, Audrey, Rodney, L-Dogg. As some of you know this line or may not "IT WAS THEN MY CHILD THAT I CARRIED YOU" I take it as he sent these people to me to help, heal, love, uplift, comfort, encourage. And I thank them a million times over because I TRULY SEE THEM. And I see life so much better and with better eyes because of those people there were other family, friends who are no longer in my life. But we all play a part and for however long we play that part is unknown but it was Love that I loved. Let me say Life is hard it will be hard especially when you living your dream, I only hope your dream doesn't become a nightmare in pursuing your dream.
What have I Seen that is so different LIFE of course what other reason do we do what we do. I am an Enigma the surface me is not all of me it is the only me I want to go to the front lines because he can deal with the back lash of hatred, ignorance, closed-minded people, and change to a degree. All of me can't I went home to Vegas a couple of days ago and to say it was great was an understatement I LIVED. I sat in the audience watching a show that I was part of for so long watching people I truly SAW up there i was watered up with Emotions and I was taken back by them as performers and as people. Then seeing some people who have always been there no matter my antics, or issues, or parties LOL.
"To Love and to have that Love returned is the greatest gift of all" and the 2 parts to this is Epic you have to open yourself up to love then you have to willing to receive it as well which is hard for alot of people on both parts. Some can't open their heart either way.
Let Go of the restraints that's holding you from life's greatest joys CONNECTING and being connected to other people thats how you grow, evolve, change, enrich. It's hard for me daily and lately its been a a mini battle to relax, relate, chill, and just be. But I am finding my balance again I was turned upside down lately with dance, life, friends, family, and life but that is what makes life worth living right.
To wrap up my always lengthy Blogs I See You... the good the bad the ugly and I am not going nowhere because that what people do when they truly LOVE. for everyone new in my life give me time to See You open yourself up to be seen. the people that I have known if I dont know you by now whats stopping us from Seeing into each other Help me HELP US. I dont wanna live an unfulfilled with just random people in it, I want the of Humanity in my eyes in my life in my world and there is no need to settle for half assness LIFE IS TOO SHORT.
Please Love and be willing to accept when someone wants to love you in return. "Life is the Sum of Choices you Make" so live with the aftermath. Accept Change life is in a constant state of Change. See people beyond face value. Never forget the bounds you make some can't be broken no matter, time, space, distance, or circumstance!!!
-I SEE YOU...-

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