
Restart (2014-11-09)

            You ever feel like you are a video game from the mid 90’s and you need to blow the cartridge and restart the console. Well I was listening to this amazing song from Sam Smith with that title and that’s the first thing that popped into my head. And it got me to seriously sitting going when if ever had I restarted rebooted Me. In the song it is about a relationship and restarting from that, but I got to thinking do we ever just restart to get new insight, new ideas, and honestly some new prospective.

            So when I was in the lyrics I took some of the ones that stood out to me and laid them in my head to filter my train of thought.

Chorus- “ What do you want from me when I just wanna restart You keep coming back for me when you're the one who tore us apart And the truth is I'm better on my own And I'm the one to leave it apart
So let me restart”

What do you want from me because I just wanna restart? Yes like yes x3 why does it ever have to get to this point at any moment in your life weather it’s a lover friend, coworker, family or life in all that comes with that. I recently Restarted ALL of me because I had hit that glitch I had been overlooking or not really addressing, or that Sonic the Hedgehog 3 with Sonic & Knuckles on the bottom and you got to blow both cartridges.  I feel like 2014 was one of those years I will never forget because in my darkest hour and lowest point I was still soaring with stars. When I hit restart so much changed and all that was so out of reach and nonexistent became quite clear.

I think in every aspects of our life’s we should consider that manual restart that purge in a sense. You start to lag and forget things, you become complacent, boring, and at the end of it all less then what the Universe put you here for. Nothing is worth my Destiny I see that now more than ever and I swear I jamming the shuffle and I remember a friend telling me about him an  I was like this song is Bomb. Then I played it again and kind of reminisced on a version of me long dead but very present in my conscious and all that mad came back up out my spirit. Before I would have played cool and moved forward but not really MOVE ON. Let me park on someone street real quick.

I See You.. is something I love and live by and the loyalty that comes with truly seeing someone and accepting them the world could use more of. But in back to my thought in not moving on,  I kind of got stuck on replay or that skipped part you could conquer until you manually restart and blew. When I saw that it was time to RESTART I didn’t hesitate or question the universe on this I started to cleanse my spirit of so much past pain and new pain. While doing so I found clarity in my mind, body, and spirit; all this on the eve of my 29th. I basked in letting go and moving on not forward because sometimes moving on means standing still or takings some steps back to clean as you go and not have to reclean. I felt renewed and I still feel renewed because I am not a religious man but my Spirit is not just lifted but its soaring to places in never thought of.

I will stop my thought with this; if you are unhappy or questioning the choices in your life maybe think about hitting that RESTART and allowing you to reboot and cleanse that old system of cache and trash and built up nonsense. Life is too short and you miss so much LOVE and LIFE reliving old mistakes or taking inventory of a factory that needs a remodel. Allow yourself the simple pleasure of Happiness and I mean true Happiness not in someone or something but in EVERYTHING. The Universe is waiting on us to open ourselves to it not just in technology but in Spirit. When I Restarted and my Phoenix rose from the ashes of the old me I didn’t feel like a new version of me I felt like the only true version there was of me…

Übermensch * We Accept The Love We Think We Deserve * Life is the Sum of Choices you Make * I See You… * Infinite Love Starts in the Heart * Perfectly Imperfect-Uniquely Perfect* Know Thyself*


2014 ;-)

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