
Lost Star (2014-29-10)


It's Almost Halloween which is one of my favorite holidays. Anyways I love watching B rated movies that aren't well known. So I watched "Begin Again" with Adam Lavine, Kiera Knightley and Mark Ruffalo well in it Adam does this song he wrote for Kiera and he played it live and I got emotional because I heard the lyrics as soon as he sung them. I will give just one set of the awesomeness then i will spill my spirit. 

* Tell us the reason youth is wasted on the young. It's hunting season and this lamb is on the run. We're searching for meaning...

But are we all lost stars trying to light up the dark?*

I LOVE the last part "are we all lost stars trying to light up the Dark?" POWERFUL to me at least because that is so tragic and so Beautiful. Why does Earth have 1 moon not 2, why are we just far enough away from our sun, why do our planets orbit this star? All valid questions and we can apply them is all walks of our life.

Why did we date her/him, why this job, why another heartbreak, why now in my Life? I Have been cleaning my spirit so much this year and I finding so much out and in that so much sadness and facades in too many humans and it is shocking. We all may very well be lost stars but when meators  collide so much happens on not just a surface level but on an atomic, cellular level. 

Like me and the good book always agree on "Everything happens the way it should". What if we are all lost stars that's amazing because your Destiny(Whatever that is) is your lost star.  *PerfectlyImperfect & UniquelyPerfect* see people that way and the lost stars will form a galaxy, constellation, UNIVERSE of Destined People who are accepting of all. It's not a dream it is just not here yet.

I believe LOVE is the "Hand that rocks the Craddle" No pun intended, I love that movie but I meant it moves mountains and change destinies and  if we are lost allow yourself to be found. See the Beauty in the day, take a chance with something or someone new, buy that shirt go see that movie. The problem is  as a species are afraid of HAPPY we not used to it so we fear what we don't understand (Name that Movie?).

Ok I will end with don't let something you thought you lost derail your path or your Star truly becomes lost in space. Weather it's love, confidence, strength to leave, courage to move on, faith it will come, or hope for a better tomorrow. Trust that *Life is the Sum of Choices you Make* and once you OWN you those choices will be celebrations of growth, lessons and Smiles.....

Übermensch ⭐ We Accept The Love We Think We Deserve ⭐ Life is the Sum of Choices you Make⭐ I See You… ⭐ Infinite Love Starts in the Heart ⭐ Perfectly Imperfect-Uniquely Perfect⭐

Know Thyself⭐




Papercut (2014-10-10)

    Ernest Hemingway would say "don't force it, write when you have something to say". Well it took me longer then normal but I heard this song Papercut by the Amazing Jordin Sparks on my special mix on Pandora and I shazamed it (yes I love that app) and shifted my mind a bit more.

"Cuz I was fine till you broke through. But don't worry baby, I'll get over you by tomorrow or the next day, or the next day, or the next day...
I'm ok, I'll be fine I only think about you half the time. I'm ok, I'll survive I only think about you half of the time. All those tears were just drops in the ocean baby, You never even cross my mind No No Boy you wish it hurt that much it was only a PAPERCUT."

I have been privy to some amazing, terrible, beautiful, sad, Oh My God moments the last couple of years but 2014 I awoke to a world I didn't recognize anymore. See I started dancing in 1989 when Janet Jackson released ⭐Rhythm Nation 1814⭐ and back then like RIGHT NOW a lot needed to be said about everything and very few people were saying it somewhat like today. The only difference is now we are old enough to speak out on injustice and the wrongs of the world we live in. I see a hateful, sad, lost world and in the same breath I see some real honest to goodness Peace, Love and Hope.

I say this song got to me because as I heard the song I thought this is beautiful.I loved the growth and heartache I can hear in it and her beautiful voice was what the amazing lyrics needed as a vessel. It got me to wondering how often do we dwell on a bad moment and let it boil over into our life? Too Damn often. I heard this song and I went WOW "I'll get over it tomorrow or the next day..." and I was like this all too true no matter what has happen it shall pass. It may not be today but when it does move forward because life has a way of giving us what we need when we need it, if you are aware.

I say to the lost, broken hearted, unhappy, confused, mad, jaded, happily settling, scared spirits of the world IT WAS ONLY A PAPERCUT. We were created PerfectlyImperfect & UniquelyPerfect and the trials and tribulations of this era takes a village not 7 Billion personal wars. I will say the LOVE I have seen makes me smile the openness for peace is here now we as people must cultivate that and help that grow and spread like wild fire. "Like tears in the ocean" is how I started to take inventory of my life to see that although I have been through so much in 29 years and the crazy CRAY CRAY moments where/are tears in the ocean.

To end this so I may drift to sleep, PAPERCUTS hurt like Hell at first and u truly act like a limb was almost chopped off. But in 3 days it is a distant memory "what Papercut?". Why can't we do better and stop taking life so serious, holding on to things that are already healed, blaming life for you not seeing your signs. All we need is around us and it doesn't cost nothing LOVE. #LoveCan do ANYTHING...
So like someone said;
 The best use of life is love. 
The best expression of love is time. 
The best time to love is now!

Übermensch ⭐ We Accept The Love We Think We Deserve ⭐ Life is the Sum of Choices you Make⭐ I See You… ⭐ Infinite Love Starts in the Heart ⭐ Perfectly Imperfect-Uniquely Perfect⭐
Know Thyself⭐



Restart (2014-11-09)

            You ever feel like you are a video game from the mid 90’s and you need to blow the cartridge and restart the console. Well I was listening to this amazing song from Sam Smith with that title and that’s the first thing that popped into my head. And it got me to seriously sitting going when if ever had I restarted rebooted Me. In the song it is about a relationship and restarting from that, but I got to thinking do we ever just restart to get new insight, new ideas, and honestly some new prospective.

            So when I was in the lyrics I took some of the ones that stood out to me and laid them in my head to filter my train of thought.

Chorus- “ What do you want from me when I just wanna restart You keep coming back for me when you're the one who tore us apart And the truth is I'm better on my own And I'm the one to leave it apart
So let me restart”

What do you want from me because I just wanna restart? Yes like yes x3 why does it ever have to get to this point at any moment in your life weather it’s a lover friend, coworker, family or life in all that comes with that. I recently Restarted ALL of me because I had hit that glitch I had been overlooking or not really addressing, or that Sonic the Hedgehog 3 with Sonic & Knuckles on the bottom and you got to blow both cartridges.  I feel like 2014 was one of those years I will never forget because in my darkest hour and lowest point I was still soaring with stars. When I hit restart so much changed and all that was so out of reach and nonexistent became quite clear.

I think in every aspects of our life’s we should consider that manual restart that purge in a sense. You start to lag and forget things, you become complacent, boring, and at the end of it all less then what the Universe put you here for. Nothing is worth my Destiny I see that now more than ever and I swear I jamming the shuffle and I remember a friend telling me about him an  I was like this song is Bomb. Then I played it again and kind of reminisced on a version of me long dead but very present in my conscious and all that mad came back up out my spirit. Before I would have played cool and moved forward but not really MOVE ON. Let me park on someone street real quick.

I See You.. is something I love and live by and the loyalty that comes with truly seeing someone and accepting them the world could use more of. But in back to my thought in not moving on,  I kind of got stuck on replay or that skipped part you could conquer until you manually restart and blew. When I saw that it was time to RESTART I didn’t hesitate or question the universe on this I started to cleanse my spirit of so much past pain and new pain. While doing so I found clarity in my mind, body, and spirit; all this on the eve of my 29th. I basked in letting go and moving on not forward because sometimes moving on means standing still or takings some steps back to clean as you go and not have to reclean. I felt renewed and I still feel renewed because I am not a religious man but my Spirit is not just lifted but its soaring to places in never thought of.

I will stop my thought with this; if you are unhappy or questioning the choices in your life maybe think about hitting that RESTART and allowing you to reboot and cleanse that old system of cache and trash and built up nonsense. Life is too short and you miss so much LOVE and LIFE reliving old mistakes or taking inventory of a factory that needs a remodel. Allow yourself the simple pleasure of Happiness and I mean true Happiness not in someone or something but in EVERYTHING. The Universe is waiting on us to open ourselves to it not just in technology but in Spirit. When I Restarted and my Phoenix rose from the ashes of the old me I didn’t feel like a new version of me I felt like the only true version there was of me…

Übermensch * We Accept The Love We Think We Deserve * Life is the Sum of Choices you Make * I See You… * Infinite Love Starts in the Heart * Perfectly Imperfect-Uniquely Perfect* Know Thyself*


2014 ;-)


Who Do you Tell? (2014-29-07)

I have thought of this song a lot recently. One because I have been jamming a lot of old school R&B, and two because it is so beautiful. So the artist is Tamia who I clearly love and the song just puts love in to prospective. Here is the first verse and chorus then I will spill out my thought process.

Verse: Just one look in your eyes and I see the truth
And I try hard to hide that I'm made for you
But I know deep inside things that we could do
Just as long as we're together, but

Chorus: But who do you tell when you love someone
Hoping that someone's in love with you
Who do you tell when you love someone
I think I might as well tell you

I guess it is a case of love at first sight. I heard it on Pandora and was like damn that is so pretty but does it really exist?  I have to believe it does and that it isn’t just real it’s Magical. I think the movies I see and the stories I hear leads me to this song. The age old questions is what do when you meet your destiny and you’re with the love of your life? I personally wouldn’t know seeing as how I tend to be on the other end of that statement LOL, but I think it is a crazy feeling when you meet someone and you can’t imagine another day without them. Weather that is a friend or something more I think it must be hard on anyone to tell another “My world stopped and started the day we met.”  
I truly think it takes so much strength to look at someone and tell them all that you are is more complete because they are in your spirit. Love is a fickle emotion and like Tina would say “What’s love but a second hand emotion.” I don’t believe that I think Love is the strongest emotion, it can move mountains, change lives, push someone to be a better version of themselves. Or it can ruin your spirit, make you desperate, consume you entire life, and make you second guess all you are. I think it is so amazing to find a “Like Spirit” and to be able to be 100 with them feels you with such joy and empties you of all insecurities. I will give you the next verse and finish my opinion on this.

Verse 2: I can't believe that I feel this way
There is so much I want to say
I wanna touch you, hold you, feel you, please you
As we're making love all through the night
We would talk to each other, we would laugh and play
We would claim it's forever every night and day
We would share every minute 'til the test of time
In my mind, in my mind baby

The thoughts you have affect all things around you, your day is longer in the best way possible. The down side to this is what if they don’t feel the same or they are comfortable in the situation they in? As a person you have to know that one soul mate is awesome but to meet many is so beautiful it means your spirit is very connected to others and if the initial feelings is true for you then you have to know that person isn’t meant for you and you can’t fight for what the universe doesn’t deem the BEST Spirit for you. I will say I write this one with personal investment not just in my present but in my life I have met some beautiful spirits that I will love forever and they may never know how I truly feel about them because the choices I have made has kept me from being too open, because I see or and feel they don’t feel what I feel or see that their spirit is content in the life they have. I am an open book and all who wanna know me need ask and I will tell but in the last 7 months I have learned so much and in the last 28+ years I have learned to “Guard My Heart”.
So with all that said who do you tell? I say tell the person weather it’s in a letter or email or in person, and if that person is open to you the you have found the Uniquely Perfect fit for you and that will accept you being Perfectly Imperfect….

Übermensch * We Accept The Love We Think We Deserve * Life is the Sum of Choices you Make * I See You… * Infinite Love Starts in the Heart * Perfectly Imperfect-Uniquely Perfect* Know Thyself*

Ty 2014 ;-) 


Poisoned Tree (2014-04-06)

Being Broken-Hearten is a Poison , an affliction of the heart that so many people can change or mold or learn from the choices they have made in the pass. Life is ultimately the sum of choices you make, and if you have been in love or just got the tail end of a relationshit that Poison begins to root itself deep in your spirit which is why i wanted to blog. I think this blog comes out of lessons learned and the clarity that before i turn 30 i can not only see and correct but, let go and move forward so much quicker and more with ease then anything to date. 

So this came from one part Beyoncé song "Poison" the other 3 was from this Spirit that is dwelling in this Awesome body which dwells on this Beautiful Planet. I look at the way the world is right now and it breaks my heart. i know i say that a lot but to not speak it would be worse, because its just not dying from pollution, global warming, and war. Its Dying because the love that strengthens the soil, the compassion that guides the wind, the forgiveness that swims in the oceans is long gone, except for the few who have those emotions on the surface. I guess to worry about a love that isn't healthy or not helping bring you to a better self awareness,those scenarios have run their course and it is just a sad day when you Poison your Life Tree. I looked into the recent events in our planet and it truly makes me shake my damn head people are worried what outfit this person is wearing or who hit who in an elevator and not looking at the world we live in not the world they show to us. I just hope we can get this together sooner rather then later time is truly running out not just on changing the course of history but healing a planet both literally and figuratively. 

I guess my question is, how do you heal? you start with your own tree you begin to see what soils work for you, what part of the world best suits your life. These things matter and they should truly matter to you because the things you fight so hard to keep maybe the very things keeping the poison in your tree. You need to listen to your roots they tell you all you need to know trust me. Learn to let go, forgive, and fully move on, its so easy to come up with an excuse to be with someone who just isn't working out or is just killin you.I hear it so much but it is so true don't forgive for them, don't move on for their sake do all this and more for YOU. 

Life is way too short 2014 has taken so many people from this world and it is hard to see the way our generation our society deals. Death is literally the last stop in Life so it is truly life coming full circle, if you feel as if you didn't get to say goodbye or you curse the stars for it. Maybe take a step out of tragedy and think "WHY AM I TAKING THIS SO PERSONAL?" you didn't pass on, your debt wasn't settled, you aren't at peace. why do we make it all about us we not the only person that lost someone they cared about. Stop being so damn Selfish its a huge planet and don't get me wrong I don't like knowing that people i love are all gonna leave me one day but "THAT'S LIFE" enjoy the moments you did share, the memories you have, the love you felt but leave out all the rest it is poisoning your tree and sooner rather then later you will  find yourself leaving this beautiful blue marble without ever letting go and being 100% you and embracing the things that make you PerfectlyImperfect & UniquelyPerfect. 

I will come to my conclusion with this, don't expect no one to care for your tree but you, never leave your tree in someones hands. because things can go wrong  your poisoned, bruised, weak, dry tree is all you got and once its gone so are you. Life truly is fleeting we come in alone we leave alone but in those precious years in between cultivate, love, lose, fall, jump, cry, laugh, mess up and then mess up again. you never stop growing so why stun that with something Hell anything that isn't benefiting your Spirit.  Moving forward nourish your tree because some poisons are permanent and some lye in wait till the perfect time to poison all of who you are all at once. its up to you and only you to decide what tree you have, what your tree means to you and how much are you willing to give to make sure your tree is tall and healthy and can stand the test of weather, storm, and youth (LOL)

Übermensch * We Accept The Love We Think We Deserve * Life is the Sum of Choices you Make * I See You… * Infinite Love Starts in the Heart * Perfectly Imperfect-Uniquely Perfect* Know Thyself*

2014 ;-)


Give Me You Pt. 2 (2014-15-05)

So I was thinking way too much of a lot of the BS in this world right now and the things that people hold so true and so close and the things they neglect to see in the world we live in. I did a blog about this song a while ago. This song is a beautiful piece of history that I love and truly understand it moves me in such a great way. So the song is by the Amazing Tamia and off her latest album “Beautiful Surprise” and it moves me in such a way that I can’t explain sometimes. The lyrics are amazing I live in them here is my favorite

“Don’t bring me roses bring me the truth
Don’t buy me diamonds 'cause that just won't do
Material things I could buy myself if I really want to
I need something special I need something new
Just give me you”

    This is all we need in this world and things would go so much smoother and these sad SAD humans. I have been so quiet about the things in this world that really bother me but I won’t keep quiet. No disclosure needed either read it or don’t. First is weakness in people is getting not only unbearable but old and sad. Find the strength to survive, thrive, live, love, excel, and not just exist. Too many people in this world blame the past and others on all that is wrong with them in the little world they live in. Grow Up and Accept the things you can’t Change, Courage to Change the things I can; and Wisdom to know the difference. I get it life is hard life give s you shit sometimes and maybe you get dealt a bad hand but as I listen and I see the world crumble all and all I can think is “You either Create or Allow all that Happens in your World”. It is 2014 learn to let go and grow not just for you but for the sake of my future cause it is too many weak minded, lost, souls and it literally destroying our planet. So to end this thought learn to let go or at least let your past make you a better version then you were before, and renew the pain and hurt to find new energy and new love of your own life.

    Next Give Me You topic is Love, and that is equal love for all of us. I am angry about the way these stupid Humans are acting in this day and age about equal rights especially with Michael Sam getting drafted to the Rams, and gay rights being fought at every turn. Agree with me or not I can give not 1 but 2 shits but I don’t have an issue when the very people we walk next to are not only evil but hella stupid. I mean the close minded humans that care less about their happiness and more about others turmoil. Love is love no matter who it is  I LIVE that way daily and the day the world realizes this that day will be a day of celebration, because on that day we truly step into a new age of existence. We live in a world where everything is judged and looked down upon and the things that matter Peace, Love, Healing our Planet our passed over. This song is so true for all relationships I don’t need much just give me you. And if more people were so inclined to believe that and live like that the world would be Beautiful. I don’t care who you love I care how you treat me, the break down is so for real I leave you with it and my last thoughts of the world right now.

“Things on this world don't mean that much to me
I need your heart and I need honesty
If all you got is flashiness then please turn around and leave”

    I don’t need much in this world to be happy I just need to feel the Love of people who understand and get who I am. Learn to accept my flaws and never judge the person I am because we will miss out on so much love and so much personal happiness that the Universe is waiting for us to embrace. So I will leave you all with this is it so hard to be happy and let that happiness be your guiding light into your Destiny. I need your heart and I need honesty because one without the other is pointless. Try to imagine the times in our life when we felt the most alone and scared in those moments find the people that are most like the best version of you in your spirit and grow in those moments. Don’t let the pain of yesterday, mess with the present, and effect the future. We all owe it to ourselves to be the best version of ourselves. When we live on path all that we need becomes available and our destiny is truly revealed. So don’t bring me Roses bring me the Truth…

Übermensch * We Accept The Love We Think We Deserve * Life is the Sum of Choices you Make * I See You… * Infinite Love Starts in the Heart * Perfectly Imperfect-Uniquely Perfect* Know Thyself*

Ty 2014 ;-) 


Another One (2014-01-05)

This is a different kind of blog today, I love the song but i think for a moment i will just blog on the topic on my mind and just title them the song that is on repeat the most...

    So in saying that this amazing song is by the beautiful and talented Chrisette Michele and i heard it and fell in love with the lyrics but, my mind set is on "What Happens when Friends Need Love". I have been in my mind a lot the last couple of months that's why i haven't wrote any entries. A lot has happen and so much is still happening I thought of what happens when friends need love cause that's what i have been feeling a lot lately. What happens when friends need love? do you drop your life and move life around, comfort the best way you know how, give more then most, ignore etc. there is so many ways to go about it. I think I will dip into my happens. 

 I think i also chose this song because of some of the lyrics that can pertain to not just friendships but any and all Relationships, So check it then on to another one. 

Baby, I'm a grown woman dealing with grown woman things
So if you're gonna stay in my lane some things gonna have to change

'Cause I'm so done with all the not knowing
So over wondering what you've done
I'm 'bout to be on to another one

So over being so over
So done with not having any fun
I'm 'bout to be on to another one

 Love these lyrics because i think so many people get comfortable in they roles like they aren't replaceable or that they roles is essential to my survival or your survival. Um NO i love that she sings "If you gonna stay in my Lane some things are gonna change" I may have sung my own version of this LOL this may not be the actual but it sounds perfect. So on to another one, when do you look at someone you loved, looked up too, respected, trusted, or anything else and say to them "Deuces"? When it shakes your day out of orbit that's when, I have been pillar or super friend-zoned, or backbone to some selfish people. Like in real life my Pops & Dad told me the same thing in so many words "Not Everyone is meant to be a chapter in your novel." And i got that whole heatedly I had to learn to say bye to not just friendships but family ties and relationshits. It is crazy to realize that life will go on the world will continue to turn and the trees will blow is I am not your whipping boy. it is only my fault to blame because you either create or allow all that happens to you. 

    These new memories i am making in this new city while i am going through so much transition is both scary and so much damn fun. To truly evolve and to see your own energy your life plan your purpose your path it is truly relieving. And i may not have non of the tools but i see the road and walking on it came so easy once I started looking at people and going "I am so over being so over" or "Yay another disappointment". When we as a generation accept our destinies as the next stage in Evolution then our Destinies will be clear. I believe Destiny is the bridge you build to the ones you Love, and today is the day not tomorrow or when your dream job comes in. its not worth missing something amazing because you weren't open to something new due to the ASSHAT of a friend who drains you or only calls when its convenient or beneficial to them. That sibling or parent or family member you have to just CUT OFF because like i always say "Blood don't Make you Family LOYALTY does". I have some spirits in my life who our my family through and through and i have to send some love to Ladies that blood didn't bond us loyalty did, Tika, "J.D." Watts, Colette "Janet Jackson", Abby "Momma Bear", "Mary Jane" Mary, and Megan "JuneBug". You Beautiful, amazing, talented, spiritual phoenixes, moms, wives, moguls, intelligent, business women you all aren't just chapters in my book your in the acknowledgement and some of the major reasons why I smile daily. I am blessed to have such Amazing backbones that are truly irreplaceable. 

    In closing I leave you with this please don't exhaust yourself or your spiritual Bird for people who wouldn't mourn your death or celebrate your life. In this small amount of time my body occupies this planet I never said i wanted to leave this Huge Monument of me on Earth, I said I want to touch someones heart daily and  after 15062845 Minutes, 251047 Hours, and 10460 days I could peacefully leave this planet tomorrow and would have lived 30 full lives and touched so many spirits that someone would wake up 30 years after my passing and go "I miss him" that in itself is a Legacy. So touch those who need it, deserve it, and most of all open to Accepting it. Or like this bomb song said "I'm about to be on to Another One...

Übermensch * We Accept The Love We Think We Deserve * Life is the Sum of Choices you Make * I See You… * Infinite Love Starts in the Heart * Perfectly Imperfect-Uniquely Perfect* Know Thyself*

2014 ;-) 


Thunder (2014-19-01)

Well, lets kick this off right with a Happy 2014 Woohooo!!!!

Thunder this came to me soon as it dropped in the UK and I loved it  but I was searching for words or meaning this whole time and now I have it and I am over the moon excited. Okay so this year has brought so much joy and some memorable memories for me and that brightens my heart and soul like you would never believe. This post may be longer then some cause it's a lot in this beautiful song and on my mind. So we will start with versus 1.

Versus 1:I’m a red and fragile rose, Won't grow in the dark alone.
Take me their cause I need to find the light. I hate that I'm scared of this
But you believe so I'll take the risk, Hold me and tell me I'm all right.
Now I'm falling down, You lift me up to the clouds.
Yes, I'm falling down You lift me up Yea!
I mean to whom it may concern this is Beautiful in so many different ways. Like as lyrics I am living in her voice and the song itself but, then I think of where I am and I have so many amazing beautiful people in my life now and this are my lights. They are making me take leaps, grow, love, joke, evolve, lean on, talk to and so much more. I Love this space I am in right now and it is all the Thunder in the sky(my life). You know if you had asked me about 4 months ago I would be back in the city I love around the people I love both new and old and on cloud 12 I would have called bullshit. These Spirits are so beautiful and not just here but the people thats touched my life the last year has blown me away. I will give chorus 1 and continue my mindset.

Chorus 1: You make my hands shake, I watch the glass break
Around my guarded heart tonight. This ain't no mistake
You make my earth quake You feel like thunder in the sky, Like thunder, thunder, thunder…
Its crazy cause i have some amazing women recently and they each in their own way made theses lyrics alive.  Non in a romantic way (Praise the Heavens cause I am so happy Single), but these phenomenal women completely moved me and some i just met, some i haven't seen in a while, and few were in and out in a blink but they left a mark. And the crazy thing was it was all positive because i changed my mindset. I realised that Sagittarius women aren't my downfall they are my Guardian Angels and i love that, it hit me when i back tracked and saw that they were the ones i still chat with, care about, respect. I take my hat off to all you Sag ladies as well as Women as a unit. I wanna put the last break down and then finish my thought process. 

Break:I was broken and starting to think that I'm should be ashamed
Trebling and nervous and naked feeling afraid
Then you came and told me and showed to fight through the rain
Fight through the rain, to fight through the rain

This was me to the letters like I lost it in my living room dancing when i heard this, as we do as dancers. To say I am glad life happened and everything happens for a reason is an understatement. Weather it was the smile, or the conversation, or the text, the hug, the meaningful compliment, or the acknowledgement that your happy i am in your life this year i soak it all up and return it ten fold. Life is the Sum of Choices you Make and I am Highly Favored and over joyed and ones i have made. Because in Knowing Thyself i truly see that everyone is Perfectly Imperfect and Uniquely Perfect. 

So i will end it with this thanks you all you Beautiful Spirits you are the women that will lead my generation to Love and Hope again. And I truly mean that the Women i know and love are changing the world and i am over the moon t be apart of it…

Übermensch * We Accept The Love We Think We Deserve * Life is the Sum of Choices you Make * I See You… * Infinite Love Starts in the Heart * Perfectly Imperfect-Uniquely Perfect* Know Thyself*

2014 ;-)