
Energy & Dreaming (06-14-2009)

Energy & Dreaming
So I thought about this title for a while because it's one of my favorite songs now by Keri Hilson. Hot track!!! & A old School song by Vanessa Williams HOTT.

Energy it effects all that we do and all that we are if our energy is low we suck at life that day, unproductive and lazy. But if the energy is High shit gets done you breeze through a long day quickly and its a little more enjoyable. Dreaming can be fun and exciting to dream your on cloud 9 soaring through the sky, or maybe not so fun in a nightmare or sorts. I feel as if this is all on you your choice on weather your energy is low or high or if your dream is good or bad. I know i beat this concept to death but life is a Sum of choices you make. My energy is as a direct result of what i did the night before or the morning of. Me Dreaming has to do with what I am holding on to in my life or in my mind and not letting it out on paper or telling that person or people whats on my mind or heart.

So basically i feel lie i hold to much in and i have nightmares about the choices i have to make because i part of me loves conflict but majority of me don't need it in my life. And in holding all this shit in i have such low Energy when it comes to basic things. It upsets me because so many things need to be said but no is willing to listen that's why i must take this "Life" that is mine and mine alone and be truthful with myself before i can be honest with anyone else. My Energy has been amazing lately and yet it hasn't been stress drains you and makes you lazy and too tired to do the simplest things. If i woke up out of my sleep with something on my mind i never voiced it because what if i piss off a friend or family? I JUST DON'T FUCKING CARE yeah i said it i think the last 23 years i have done what i was told i have lived for most everyone else but me and i have been upset I don't wanna do this or do that or go here or there or be nice some days. They say you never know what type of day someone had so always be nice, but does the same occur for my bad days NO Tim is expected to be on 24/7 no matter what and that is draining my ENERGY and I'm not DREAMING the dreams i should be dreaming. SO i declare that this SHIT stops now. My Energy and Life needs to keep in a upward motion and when i get pulled down or pissed and my energy is slowly gone I need to replenish it from who? FRIENDS: ONLY CALL WHEN SOMETHINGS WRONG FAMILY: HA WE KNOW HOW FAMILY IS. true friends are always there no matter what and real family cares when its hard to care.

My ENERGY is getting there slowly daily, me DREAMING is coming along well i have my moments but i need to say ENOUGH!!!! when i change my number or relocate please if i don't contact you take the hint.. OK now that's out the way i wish everyone i great rest of the year and know that if someone or  something is zapping your energy and causing you not to dream big "simply walk up behind them and stab the back" not I kidding "Run them over at 60 mph" no " Push them down i Flight of steps" or

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