For every action there's an equal or greater reaction it is said that life is the sum of choices you make. I live by that saying but i would have to say I've made some great choices and, some not so great choices who am i kidding some bad choices. But in the end, life is what think it to be because what you think about expands. to think negative or about just the bad it makes the bad worst and vice verse. If you think of not just good things but great things they will pour in by the bucket loads you won't be able think straight with so much love, opportunities, and everything you want in life will become a reality. so what is your RAY OF SUNSHINE? That thing or things that when you around it, hear it, see it, or do it your on cloud 50. So find that RAY OF SUNSHINE and never let it go. I don't care if it's a person or people, a song or music, city or island, animal whatever it is don't let it go once you find it. And make it better so it grows as you grow and, before you know it you RAY OF SUNSHINE can be seen for miles. Tell that person or people you love them and what they mean to you often, play that song or songs morning, noon, and night. By all accounts visit that city or country as often as you want not as often as you can. Because you can go anywhere if you want to go you just have to want to go and just get up and go. As for me i found my RAY OF SUNSHINE those people know who they are i love and appreciate all they have done with me I'll never let you all go no matter where i go or what i do. And seriously i love music its my life's blood i love for music-DANCE- lol. i love the world to see America, Europe, Africa, Japan, and everywhere else i can't choose i love them all. I love larger then life cats majestic animals I've had the privilege of working with, that will always stay with me. All these things i plan to never let go of my blessing there coming in by the truck load. Don't get me wrong when I'm down and dark it's pitch black cause it's a choice to be that way no one can steal your RAY OF SUNSHINE but you. WHAT'S YOUR RAY OF SUNSHINE?????????
Found it Now Promise to NEVER LET IT GO........
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