
Lost then Found (02-12-2010)

"I choose this title because its one of my favorite songs now by Leona Lewis & One Republic"

SO I am home visiting family and friends & clearly can't sleep. LOL I think a lot about love, life and well everything its crazy cause i sit in my old room looking at all this stuff i don't have anymore and all this stuff i always thought i needed and i don't.... Which is funny to me cause there was a point in my life that i would not go anywhere w/o some of this stuff and Now it is a distant memory.
What does that mean? I leave shit in the past too long before i clean house i let my closet or attic get too packed before i wanna clean it out, or let it go. I think for the latter part of 10 months I have been fighting myself about change and the WILD part is it takes you to lose something before you wanna find something, and the crazy part is what you lost may honestly not be what you wanna find. I know it may sound weird to most but say you lose a Loved one weather by death or distance u may gain a new found likeness in yourself or security you never knew you had. Or if you lose your job that you never really liked you may actually find the Job you always wanted but you let this old job hinder you. On those occasions when what you lost may be what you trying to find again it sucks when you feel it is too far Lost to be found and that sucks...

But you gotta keep it moving don't stay stagnate thinking about the what if? Read, Dance, Work-out, Sleep, Play do something to find something new to feel these voids. I need to LOSE somethings because i want to and NEED to e.i (People, Friends, Habits, Emotions etc.) Not in a bad way but in a I feel like things now in my life are hindering me from my Dreams and Goals. I am not blaming anybody but know that its happening now and if by chance you get caught in the Tornado that is my Vacuum cleaning my attic and closet I am not sorry. I only Apologize I didn't do it early i had to wait till I was almost 25 to come to some real life Decisions. Some things i lost i wish i could find again and somethings i have found i need to Lose on purpose.

This isn't something New i have been struggling with some hard or not so hard choices for a while I look at all my old blogs and i see a pattern this Quote "Life is the Sum of Choices you make" How can i be an honest man if i don't practice what I preach. and Believe in what i say I don't wanna look back in 15, 20, 50 years and go I should have , could have. I want to be proud of the life I live and the people in it and the things i do and the stories i tell my kids one day or my god children or my nieces and nephews.
So basically
LOSE it if its bad or unhealthy or just not what you feel you need in your life
FIND it if you miss the happiness of it, lost it prematurely, or just in search of it.
Personally, Professionally, Emotionally, Spiritually, Physically anything Lost can be Found, and some things need to be Lost for you to Find YOURSELF........

( I cut the song down so that y'all could read what i thought is an amazing song so it just goes VERSE, CHORUS, , HOOK, END)

Staring at tears on the pages Of letters that I never could write
I know love isn't painless but it's worth the risk it's worth the fight
Playing it over and over I wish that I could turn back time
Baby we're wrong but we could be right........

Why do we say things we can't take back and why do we miss
What we never had both of us fell to the ground and love was so lost
It couldn't be found what would it take to forget who's blame
I'm tired of crying at the sound of your name
Why don't we turn this around
love in the ending don't you wanna be lost then found

Empty glasses and tables
Echo's through these walls
The memories go were we go there like the suitcase that you never lose
If the good lords eye is upon me I swear to make things right
What ever we've lost I know we can find

The winds are calling up we can't stop the rain wish that you could take it back but it's to late it's to late...

We could be lost then found.

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